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Pet Care Advice


Dirt Doctor Weekly Newsletter -- PET CARE ADVICE  


A common question is how to handle hot spots and pests on pets. The best control comes from feeding animals a diet that does not contain synthetic toxic preservatives.




Add natural Diatomaceous Earth to the food daily. A little apple cider vinegar in the drinking water can also help.




Comfrey tea can be used topically for dog skin allergies. Cook a mess of comfrey greens, dilute the cool pot liquid down to a light iced tea color and pour or dap onto the hot spots or into the dog's fur. Comfrey is very powerful, so don't use more than once a month and only when needed. Cornmeal juice is also good and can be used more often. Put a cup of whole ground cornmeal in a 5 gallon bucket of water, let it sit in the sun a couple of hours, strain out the solids and apply to the skin liberally.




Bathing the dogs in herbal shampoos that contain orange oil (d-limonene) and tea tree (Melaleuca) will also help. Dry cornmeal, horticultural or whole ground cornmeal, dusted onto problem skin areas is also helpful, if the skin problems are fungal.


For Fleas and Ticks use this program:

  • Spray the infested site with one of the organic mound drench products such as Nature's Guide Mound Drench or any citrus oil, compost tea and molasses mix.  For tick problems, spray on shrubs, trunks of trees, sides of buildings, etc.
  • Treat the site with beneficial nematodes.  These are living organisms, so use before the expiration date on the package.
  • Dust pet sleeping quarters, if necessary, with natural diatomaceous earth.
  • Spray the site regularly with any variety of Garrett Juice


Add 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar per gallon water to the pets drinking water. Brush and exercise them regularly.


If you have any questions regarding this newsletter or any other topic, join me for my radio show heard in Dallas/Fort Worth on Sunday from 8 - 11am (CST).


Naturally yours,

Howard Garrett
The Dirt Doctor



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originally posted 2007


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